On SimilarContent.com you will find:

There are 7 tools under writing.


 There are 6 tools under Blogging 

There are 6 tools under Copywriting. 

There are 3 tools under Amazon.

The main writing tools an overview: 

  • Native Writing tool

The Native Writing tool is designed to allow non-native English speakers the opportunity of writing high-quality content that resembles the writing style and word usage of native speakers. To use it all you need to do is enter your text within the text box and click on create. The AI will then fix your content to make it sound more natural and to make it appear as if a native speaker wrote it. 

  • Key Points

Key points can be used if you want to summarize the content of a paragraph in a few key points. This tool can be great if you want to quickly get an idea of what your competitors have written about without the need to extensively read everything that they wrote. 

  • Explain a text

This tool will create additional content for your text and will provide you with new content ideas to use. The maximum number of additional characters will be 600 if you use this tool 

  • Question Extractor

Having an FAQ or questions section in the articles that you write can help with SEO ranking. One of the reasons for this is that in question sections you are more able to analyze a specific type of content or question in great detail. These searchable little questions can be useful for SEO ranking as whenever someone searches for the answer to a question you have answered your page will pop up. 

  • Feature Benefit Finder

If you are uncertain of which features of your product you should write about to make it stand out, you can use this tool to get ideas about the pros of using your products or services. 

  • Improve Content with Keywords

If you are having trouble adding enough keywords in your articles then you can use this AI tool to add additional keywords. This tool will automatically find places where your keywords would naturally fit and will include them there, making your article more optimized and thus, more likely to rank. 

  • Topic Ideas

If you are not the best at finding effective titles then this tool has you covered. All you will need to do is include some of your focus keywords and based on those the topic ideas tool will generate potential titles that you can use for your title or in your article. 

  • Generate Blog Outline

The generate blog outline tool will create suggestions for subtopics that you should address in your article based on the keywords that you have selected. If you are feeling stuck on what to write then this tool can be the perfect way of getting yourself unstuck and writing more SEO optimized content. 

  • Write Blog Post Intro/ Blog Post Conclusion

These two different writing tools can help you optimize the beginning and end of each of your articles. Having a strong introduction and conclusion is key for any article that you write because most people will skim read through your article but will thoroughly read your introduction and conclusion to see if they have understood your topic properly. These two tools can help write effective introductions and conclusions for you. 

  • Meta Description Writer

Your meta-description is incredibly important as oftentimes it will be what appears in search results and thus what has to convince potential readers that your article will have within it all of the information that they are looking for. With the Meta-description writer, you can just add your keywords and sub-sections or title to get the best results on potential meta-descriptions that you can use. 

  • Topic Extractor

This tool will summarise the points that you are trying to make in your paragraph and help you focus on the main points. By doing so you will be able to find more effective tags that can help improve your SEO ranking. 

  • Hero Text Creator

This tool is perfect if you want to create taglines for your products and services that are memorable to users. 

  • Problem-Agitate-Solution

This formula is used by those who want to convert their leads into actual sales. If you were previously having problems with conversion then this copywriting tool is a great way of overcoming that problem. 

  • Marketing Angles 

If you want to find what the correct approach for a certain topic would be, using the marketing angles tool will help you determine the most powerful method and angle for approaching your customers. 

  • Amazon Writing Toolset

The three tools under the Amazon Writing section are all designed to help you write a great product name and description for all of your products. These tools will help you become a more effective e-commerce seller as you will be able to more effectively write about the product’s characteristics, features, and description.